Fishery is an entity engaged in raising and/or harvesting fish, which is determined by some authority to be a fishery. According to the FAO, a fishery is typically defined in terms of the "people involved, species or type of fish, area of water or seabed, method of fishing, class of boats, purpose of the activities or a combination of the foregoing features". The definition often includes a combination of fish and fishers in a region, the latter fishing for similar species with similar gear types. A fishery may involve the capture of wild fish or raising fish through fish farming or aquaculture. Directly or indirectly, the livelihood of over 500 million people in developing countries depends on fisheries and aquaculture.
Aquaculture is the farming of freshwater and saltwater organisms such as finfish, mollusks, crustaceans and aquatic plants. Also known as aquafarming, aquaculture involves cultivating aquatic populations under controlled conditions, and can be contrasted with commercial fishing, which is the...
Freshwater Fish Farming Ventures
Commercially, one can grow freshwater fish for sale to restaurants and supermarkets. But he can also breed fingerlings for supply to commercial fish growers, recreational pond owners and hobbyist; grow fish for sale as bait; and raise mature fish for sale to pet shops. The culture of fish, whether as food or ornamental article, can also be pursued as a hobby.
Freshwater Fish Selection
The fish that one should choose to rear must meet certain attributes that should make it ideal for rearing. For a starter, it is wise to follow the advice of experts and choose the species that experts say grow well in the place’s kind of water and climate. The most commonly chosen fish for farming in the U.S. include rainbow trout, channel catfish, bass, minnow, and crayfish.
Control of Fish Farming ConditionsIn terms of input, fish farming could range from extensive, intensive to highly intensive. At the low end of the range is farming that has low financial and labour input. Stocking density is low and the fish is left to nature for sustenance. At the high end is farming that involves high level of capital and labour investment. Stocking density is high, requiring the aid of equipment to maintain pond operation. Fish production is proportional to the amount of input a farmer puts into the operation.
Here are tips for pond operators who would like to try freshwater shrimp farming.
1. Prepare the pond properly so that no predators like catfish and goby are present.
2. Fill the pond to a water depth of at least 0.6 meter.
3. Fertilize the pond with dried chicken manure in sacks suspended in the water at 500 kilos per hectare every two weeks to promote the growth of plankton.
4. Procure your initial M idella breeders (5-10 grams) from local sources and stock at the rate of 2-4 per square meter with a sex ratio of 1-2 females per male (bigger in size with longer arms).
5. Provide brush shelters (made of bamboo or tree twigs) or allow the growth of submersed aquatic weeds like digman to serve as refuge for the shrimp when molting (shedding of shell) and increase surface area for growth of food organisms.
6. Culture it for at least four months.
My best choice: This is my best choice, because it could help people whom really want to enter business.
Aquaculture is the farming of freshwater and saltwater organisms such as finfish, mollusks, crustaceans and aquatic plants. Also known as aquafarming, aquaculture involves cultivating aquatic populations under controlled conditions, and can be contrasted with commercial fishing, which is the...
Freshwater Fish Farming Ventures
Commercially, one can grow freshwater fish for sale to restaurants and supermarkets. But he can also breed fingerlings for supply to commercial fish growers, recreational pond owners and hobbyist; grow fish for sale as bait; and raise mature fish for sale to pet shops. The culture of fish, whether as food or ornamental article, can also be pursued as a hobby.
Freshwater Fish Selection
The fish that one should choose to rear must meet certain attributes that should make it ideal for rearing. For a starter, it is wise to follow the advice of experts and choose the species that experts say grow well in the place’s kind of water and climate. The most commonly chosen fish for farming in the U.S. include rainbow trout, channel catfish, bass, minnow, and crayfish.
Control of Fish Farming ConditionsIn terms of input, fish farming could range from extensive, intensive to highly intensive. At the low end of the range is farming that has low financial and labour input. Stocking density is low and the fish is left to nature for sustenance. At the high end is farming that involves high level of capital and labour investment. Stocking density is high, requiring the aid of equipment to maintain pond operation. Fish production is proportional to the amount of input a farmer puts into the operation.
Here are tips for pond operators who would like to try freshwater shrimp farming.
1. Prepare the pond properly so that no predators like catfish and goby are present.
2. Fill the pond to a water depth of at least 0.6 meter.
3. Fertilize the pond with dried chicken manure in sacks suspended in the water at 500 kilos per hectare every two weeks to promote the growth of plankton.
4. Procure your initial M idella breeders (5-10 grams) from local sources and stock at the rate of 2-4 per square meter with a sex ratio of 1-2 females per male (bigger in size with longer arms).
5. Provide brush shelters (made of bamboo or tree twigs) or allow the growth of submersed aquatic weeds like digman to serve as refuge for the shrimp when molting (shedding of shell) and increase surface area for growth of food organisms.
6. Culture it for at least four months.
My best choice: This is my best choice, because it could help people whom really want to enter business.
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